Friday, September 26, 2008

one down, two to go

Today I hand over the "master" for the first of 3 CDs I'm scheduled to do this year.

This one is the CD of songs to accompany the Vacation Bible School curriculum for next summer. It's a relatively small project, and I've done all the recording (and mixing and "mastering," such as it is) with my home studio set up. It's actually gone way better than I expected, and I'm getting the hang of a lot of features of the Cubase recording program (including editing features) that I've never tried before.

Not bad for a non-techie like me!

Next up is the Year 4 CD for the "Gather 'Round" Sunday School curriculum. This is a bigger project (more songs, significantly bigger circulation), and I'll be doing some of it in my home studio but some at another studio (hopefully Many Streams with John and Mike). Planning to do that in November.

And then in the new year it's time for the next SmallTall Music studio album... the 4th... This one, as the biggest project, will be done pretty much entirely in the studio with "the pros."

It's going to be a good (and full) year. Looking forward to it!



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