Wednesday, August 26, 2009

SOCAN and radio

Radio play has never been (and still isn't) a significant part of my strategy or "business plan" for my SmallTall Music ministry. While it's fun and kind of validating when somebody in radio-land picks up on your stuff, I haven't been counting on it and tend to consider it as a nice little surprise when it happens. As you already know if you've been reading this blog for a while or have explored my various archived musings, I've been focusing my energies on (and having a lot of fun with) other "alternative business models"... Have a look at the posts in the "Community Supported Music" label, if you'd like...

That said, for the new CD and tour that's coming soon (VERY soon), I am partnering with some radio folks in some interesting ways. Golden West Broadcasting contributed toward the recording project and tour support for my upcoming Western Canada tour, and I know they'll be playing some of my stuff on some of their stations across the prairies.

And WhiStle Radio here in Stouffville is partnering with me to put on a home-town CD release concert on December 4th in the new "19 On The Park" theatre venue in town... looking forward to that too.

So I thought, hey, now that I'm about to release my 4th studio album, maybe it's time to finally register with SOCAN. So I did. Kind of a neat feeling, actually, to now be a member of the "Society of Composers, Authors, and Music Publishers of Canada," and to have a "catalogue" of 54 of my songs "registered" with them.



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