Tuesday, March 03, 2009

hearty vermonters...

... could not be stopped from coming out to the Londonderry concert on Sunday night (with a snowstorm imminent) or the house concert last night (after a full day of constant snowfall, and very icy roads). Hearty and kind and generous folk... an astonishing number of whom signed up for my Community Supported Music initiative...

And if you're going to be snowed in somewhere, can you imagine a more beautiful place to be? (This is the "little cabin in the woods" where I'm being hosted by Carol and Delores, who have been dear friends of our family for - let's see - about 28 years now - beginning in Cochabamba, Bolivia, when I was 12 years old, and learning to play guitar by watching Carol's fingers on her ukilele and singing all the songs we knew...)

What a gift!



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