turning a corner
I'm tired.
After a pretty intense (at least for me) performing season, it's time to "turn the corner" and focus on recording. I've kept the next while free of performances, there's a batch of songs ready to go, some great people to record with...
But I'm tired.
It was a good weekend. Friday night's concert was a real highlight - the first public "unveiling" of the new collection of songs as a coherent set and complete concert... with a backing band (Darren, Stan, Andrea and Jamie), which was a real treat after performing solo for so long... a great turnout and people very engaged and lots of good feedback...
And then Saturday and Sunday in Tavistock was good too. Got to connect with Rick and Louise who are involved in all kinds of interesting things with their church, their various places of work, and their small-scale organic farm that includes - get this - a barn specially outfitted for theatre productions ("... works best in June, once the cows are out to pasture and before the first-cut hay is in...").
Now it's time to get going on recording plans, but my body and my brain seem to have other ideas...