Friday, September 29, 2006

First Post

Five years ago, when we burned 50 CDs of my first informal collection of 6 “new children’s songs for the missional church,” I would have laughed in your face if you’d told me I’d be doing what I’m doing now.

But here we are, and this music ministry has become my work on a flexible full-time basis. I like to say that I’m in “bi-vocational ministry” - as a home-maker and a music-maker. It is in many ways a dream come true – or it would be, if I’d ever had the nerve to even dream of such a thing… How did this happen?


I could trace the “history-so-far” of SmallTall Music by recalling key conversations... Conversations that helped to encourage me, challenge me, knock me down, pick me up, re-orient my thinking, open up new possibilities, close down other ones… Conversations with friends, with family, with church leaders, with children and grown-ups and youth…with the community(ies) of faith that surround me…with God…

I am profoundly grateful for all these conversations, and I literally don’t know where I’d be without them. I’m glad that, with some of you, I’m able to keep in touch and continue the conversations on a regular basis. I only regret that, with many others, that’s very hard to do…

That’s where this blog comes in.

My hope is that this blog can be a way to continue and extend these conversations. I see it as a way to communicate with friends and family, with the households and congregations that have become members of SmallTall Music, with supporters and allies and co-conspirators (and “enemies,” if you’re out there…)… with anybody who wants to stop by now and again.

Here’s what I figure on bringing to the conversation: regular posts (weekly or so), with musings on the steps and missteps on this unfolding journey… a window into the creative process/wrestling match as songs take shape… occasional barnyard updates…random thoughts from what I’m reading and seeing and hearing and wondering…in short, “miscellaneous meanderings of a musical ministry…”

I look forward to hearing what you want to bring to the conversation as well!

More to come…


At 1:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man, get this train on the tracks! I can't wait to hear more. The story behind the story is often very helpful. Thanks for being articulate yet honest.

At 5:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey...que bien que pensaras en continuar - además que pueda conocer que piensan las otras partes del Cuerpo - con nuestras conversaciones...justamente estuve pensando en que estos temas no deberían dejarse atrás...

Espero, entonces, tambien siento los mismo que Jonathan: I can't wait to hear more.

At 9:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey! Que interesante tu actividad respecto a Community Supported Agriculture... no sè si te contamos pero JÒVENES CRISTIANOS POR LA PAZ - EL MUNDO AL REVÈS- tiene una lìnea de trabajo que es la ecologìa..y dentro de ella las discusiones eco-teológicas estàn presentes... y queríamos saber si tienes algunos artìculas o pàginas web que nos puedas recomendar... Te deseo suerte con tu composición musical!

At 11:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Bryan,

Just wandered back on your site and discovered your blog. Wonderful! I'm looking forward to peering in to your end of the world from time to time.

Bon voyage.



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